Thursday 2 September 2010

Mr Uota’s Magic Hat

This is Jenny and I feel so awful not having let you know about the extraordinary events that have been taking place since I last wrote. The time is rushing by so quickly I feel like I’m balanced on a raft on a river in flood.

Trying to keep up with my teaching and concerts has been quite a challenge. My usual regular practice has gone right overboard.

Anyhow, the main news is that Whisper is home. I know she has a lot to tell you so I won’t steal her thunder, but I must just mention Mr Uota.

I told you how, when I rang the number on the poster saying that a cat had been found, the man who answered immediately said, “You must be Jenny”. I was shocked to say the least and the simple explanation didn’t occur to me at the time. It wasn’t until I got to the house and saw Whisper again that I realised – Mr Uota could hear Whisper!

The funny thing was, when I arrived and Mr. Uota invited me in, Whisper was nowhere to be seen. Mr Uota said he didn’t know where she had gone but he was sure she would be back very soon. So he invited me to sit at the kitchen table while he made tea.

Well, I was sitting there quietly and although I noticed what I guessed was Mr. Uota’s hat on the table I didn’t think any more about it. Then from behind me I hear Mr. Uota say, “Are you ready?” Thinking he meant tea, I was about to turn around when the hat moved a bit then suddenly flew into the air and from under it leapt Whisper! She literally flew through the air and landed right in my lap! Well you can imagine my surprise and joy! I don’t know if it was me or Whisper that was the happier. Oh how good it was to see her again.

I know it’s only a few days ago, but I still find the whole thing incredible. Also in the time Whisper was at Mr. Uota’s they had been looking through his postcards and he gave me two to bring home with Whisper.

Here is the first picture. I’ll let Whisper show you the others. But there's something about them that I just can’t seem to get out of my mind. It’s as though the pictures are trying to remind me of something, only I can’t quite put my finger on it.

I think we’ll be seeing more of Mr. Uota.

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