Wednesday 11 August 2010

Something to Laugh About

I phoned the number again this morning and still no one answered. I then had to go out and teach my weekly class so this time I made sure I had my phone with me. I also took one of Whisper’s pictures and wedged it above the rear view mirror. There was no time for long walks today.

We ended the class with the children putting their violins down and singing one of their favourite songs and they held hands and sang their little hearts out. I had to remind them not to step on their violins in all their excitement. Before I knew it the class was over and the children went out laughing to meet their parents.

I stayed in the empty hall and turned on my phone, tried the number again and to my surprise almost immediately someone answered.

It was a man’s voice and I couldn’t quite make out everything he was saying and I seemed to have caught him in the middle of something very funny. It sounded as though he was trying to keep himself from laughing and when I finally managed to tell him why I was calling he was suddenly quiet for a moment and then said, “Ah, you must be Jenny”.

I was astonished. I hadn’t even mentioned my name. But an even bigger surprise was to follow.

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