Tuesday 10 August 2010

The River to Heaven

Without Whisper the house seems empty. She is one of the quietest beings I have ever know but it’s impossible not to notice her absence.

I haven’t given up looking for her, but maybe now I should just wait for her to find her own way home. Of course, if she could she would have done so by now.

However, something has happened that has given me my first glimmer of hope.

I keep going for walks, half pretending that I’m not searching for Whisper. And the walks have been getting longer and longer. For the last few days I’ve even had to get the bus back home. So that’s how I ended up at the river yesterday. What I saw there took me by surprise.

Peace Pagoda, Battersea Park, London

It was a ceremony of remembrance for the victims of Nagasaki. When it was over the people lit candles inside coloured paper lanterns and carried them around the Pagoda to the river. As the sun was setting the glowing lanterns were floated on the water and were carried away downstream. I think this signifies the souls of all those who died being carried in little boats to heaven.

I was very moved by this, especially having recently seen a video for Hiroshima (you may have seen it in my last post). So as I began to walk home the thought was in my mind of all the animals that died also having their own little paper boats and that they too would now be somewhere happy and peaceful.

I had walked some way and was starting to look for a bus stop when I noticed something taped to a tree. It was a small handwritten poster and it read: Found - Tabby cat – female - No name tag or collar - Phone…

Of course it could be anybody’s cat, especially being so far from home, but naturally my first thought was of Whisper. I wrote the number down and as soon as I got home I went straight to the phone. I tried and tried but there was no reply. I have been trying again this morning but still nothing.

If it turns out not to be Whisper then at least I’ll know, but at the moment all I have is my imagination taking me one way and the other.

I will keep trying until someone answers.

- Jenny

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