Wednesday 11 August 2010

Something to Laugh About

I phoned the number again this morning and still no one answered. I then had to go out and teach my weekly class so this time I made sure I had my phone with me. I also took one of Whisper’s pictures and wedged it above the rear view mirror. There was no time for long walks today.

We ended the class with the children putting their violins down and singing one of their favourite songs and they held hands and sang their little hearts out. I had to remind them not to step on their violins in all their excitement. Before I knew it the class was over and the children went out laughing to meet their parents.

I stayed in the empty hall and turned on my phone, tried the number again and to my surprise almost immediately someone answered.

It was a man’s voice and I couldn’t quite make out everything he was saying and I seemed to have caught him in the middle of something very funny. It sounded as though he was trying to keep himself from laughing and when I finally managed to tell him why I was calling he was suddenly quiet for a moment and then said, “Ah, you must be Jenny”.

I was astonished. I hadn’t even mentioned my name. But an even bigger surprise was to follow.

Tuesday 10 August 2010

The River to Heaven

Without Whisper the house seems empty. She is one of the quietest beings I have ever know but it’s impossible not to notice her absence.

I haven’t given up looking for her, but maybe now I should just wait for her to find her own way home. Of course, if she could she would have done so by now.

However, something has happened that has given me my first glimmer of hope.

I keep going for walks, half pretending that I’m not searching for Whisper. And the walks have been getting longer and longer. For the last few days I’ve even had to get the bus back home. So that’s how I ended up at the river yesterday. What I saw there took me by surprise.

Peace Pagoda, Battersea Park, London

It was a ceremony of remembrance for the victims of Nagasaki. When it was over the people lit candles inside coloured paper lanterns and carried them around the Pagoda to the river. As the sun was setting the glowing lanterns were floated on the water and were carried away downstream. I think this signifies the souls of all those who died being carried in little boats to heaven.

I was very moved by this, especially having recently seen a video for Hiroshima (you may have seen it in my last post). So as I began to walk home the thought was in my mind of all the animals that died also having their own little paper boats and that they too would now be somewhere happy and peaceful.

I had walked some way and was starting to look for a bus stop when I noticed something taped to a tree. It was a small handwritten poster and it read: Found - Tabby cat – female - No name tag or collar - Phone…

Of course it could be anybody’s cat, especially being so far from home, but naturally my first thought was of Whisper. I wrote the number down and as soon as I got home I went straight to the phone. I tried and tried but there was no reply. I have been trying again this morning but still nothing.

If it turns out not to be Whisper then at least I’ll know, but at the moment all I have is my imagination taking me one way and the other.

I will keep trying until someone answers.

- Jenny

Saturday 7 August 2010

Leaf - for Hiroshima

In the midst of all my worries about Whisper, what should come my way but this little video of what can only be described as a moving Haiku for Hiroshima.  Yesterday, 6th of August, was Hiroshima Day and somehow this says as much to me as all the possible words that might be said.

Thursday 5 August 2010

The Meaning of Music

Looking out the upstairs window at the empty garden. It rained for a few minutes and now the sun is out again.

The light has already moved away from here and will be on the other side of the house in a few hours. There are some trees that lean into the garden and it won’t be long before the birds start coming back.

Picked up my violin to practise and just stood there looking out.

Does music really mean so little after all?

- Jenny

Sunday 1 August 2010

I'm Lost

Another postcard from Whisper’s picture box. The same person, actress Maud Jeffries, in yet another role. Clues… they must be here somewhere.

How many days has it been? Still no Whisper. Unfortunately, these pictures of Maud are beginning to look more like me than providing any clues as to Whisper’s whereabouts.  Has Maud been left behind too?   I don't know.

The message I showed you last time concerning the sinking of the HMS Gladiator stirred me into looking for more information about the tragedy. It was, after all, written on one of the old postcards which for some reason Whisper wanted you to see. I know it must seem as though I’m clutching at straws, but there could be a message from Whisper here somewhere.

The postcard was dated April 26 1908, the day after the accident took place. In charge of the HMS Gladiator was Captain Walter Lumsden. It is just a coincidence, I know, but the message on the card was signed “W”, and Whisper’s brother’s name is Walter.

It is impossible to imagine what it must have been like for all those poor souls. The Captain did everything possible in the midst of a blinding snow-storm to save his ship from being rammed by the St. Paul and to save the lives of his crew.  Thirty lost and many injured.

With this sad story in mind I could not help but notice that in the background of this picture of Maud - a ship. Entering or leaving the harbour, it is hard to say. But on the horizon, is that a second ship? Or could it even be lighthouse?

- Jenny
