Thursday 1 July 2010

Another Day in Darkest Dorset

Strangely enough, I completely forgot about the cow. Something that happened this morning reminded me of my plans to search for this mythological creature and I almost laughed at myself for even thinking that such a thing could exist.

Walter was looking for me upstairs and he found me at the window. I knew he was wondering what I was looking at and that made me wonder too. I suppose I wasn’t looking at anything really, more like looking inside the window as though everything was inside, and then something inside/outside moved and I remembered the cow.

It wasn’t the cow; a tiny insect had landed on the window and I reached out to touch it but it was outside and it didn’t even bother to fly away, although I know it saw me.

When I looked around I could hear Walter going back down the stairs. The stairs are made of wood, not like the carpet ones at home.

All around the window are spiders’ webs with little bits of things hanging in them. I try not to touch the webs because I know that spiders always come out to see what’s going on.

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