Tuesday 13 July 2010

The Night Journey

Jenny came down late this morning. The sun was making the kitchen hot and she didn’t notice that the light was still on. I don’t know why I pretend I’m not waiting. I went to my bowl and drank some water but it was warm.

She said she didn’t feel well last night. She had to get ready to go out tonight and play her violin so I had to listen to the same song over and over. I could gone outside but I didn’t.

There was a moth under the table. I touched it and it didn’t move. I suppose moths die all the time but that’s the first one I’ve seen that looked like it was smiling. Then I noticed I was looking at the back of the moth. How that could be I just don’t know. Maybe a smile can seep through from one side to the other.

I looked around the floor to see if there was anything else and all the time I could hear the violin.

It’s night again and Jenny is out. I could easily go out into the back garden but I won’t. I’ll wait till Jenny comes home and then I’ll go out. She turned out all the lights when she left.

Three children who went out into the night without their mother.

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