Tuesday 27 July 2010

Whereabouts Unknown

It is now more than 48 hours since I last saw Whisper. I have searched for her everywhere and not a sign. She didn’t touch the food I left for her two days ago and she just seems to have vanished into thin air. As you will appreciate, I am upset.

I’m sorry - this is Jenny. I will tell you all I know.

Since we got back from Dorset, Whisper has been acting strange. She rarely went out and if she did, within minutes I would see her hurry back indoors. I would often find her at the kitchen window staring out at the garden next door and whenever Mr. or Mrs. Willow came out Whisper would duck down out of sight. I just don’t understand.

I hope this helps to explain why Whisper hasn’t been up to posting anything for a while. She had selected some pictures from her picture box to show you but I don’t know what she wanted to say about them. Nevertheless, I will put one of them here in the hope that it might help you keep her in your mind. She is in my mind every moment.

Can anyone please see any clue in this picture as to Whisper’s whereabouts? I just don’t know what else to do.

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