Tuesday 6 July 2010

The Lost Kitten

This morning, Dorothy came into the kitchen carrying her big straw hat upside-down. She was carrying something in the hat and cradled it in her hands. I was under the table and I knew what it was. Jenny was already sitting at the table.

I wanted to get up onto the table and Jenny let me stand beside her on her chair. Then Dorothy lifted a little kitten out of the hat and put him on the table where he fell over and couldn’t get up again.

Jenny said, “You poor little thing. Where have you come from?”

Dorothy said that she found the kitten in the grass by the drive and her hands were shaking a bit and she said, “Just think, I could have driven over him.”

I don’t know any more yet, but I can tell you that kittens cannot look after themselves, and because people know this and because some people don’t want them they put them in the grass or near a road. It’s something all cats know about and it’s why we try to live with people who look for lost kittens.

I once heard Jenny talking to a friend and he asked her if she thought animals went to heaven. Jenny said, “Of course they do”. He didn’t think so.  I wanted to say, “Why else do you think we’re here?”

When kittens mew they are not just crying, they are also calling. Calling is different from crying. Some people can hear calling and some people only hear crying. But this little kitten didn’t mew once.

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