Thursday 29 July 2010

The Unanswered Prayer

Thank you so much for your messages. Don’t worry if your suggestions seem a little out of the ordinary. Just to hear from you is a comfort.

It is now three days since Whisper disappeared. All I can do now is wait. I haven’t put notices on the trees and lamp posts; I just wouldn’t know what to write – ‘Missing’, ‘Lost’? It can’t really be true, can it?

As I mentioned yesterday, before Whisper disappeared, she left two pictures that she was meaning to show you. The first, you have seen, the second is here at the top. It appears to be the same woman we saw yesterday.

So, again, if this means anything to you and if you can see anything at all that might shed some light on the mystery of Whisper’s whereabouts then please do get in touch. Every little detail might contain a clue.

However, there is something about yesterday's picture that I only noticed today. It is an old postcard and is postmarked 1908.

There is a message on the back but because of  time and the fact that it was written in pencil, the writing has almost faded away completely. But with a little effort I was eventually able to read it.  As you can see, the message has been written upside-down.

The message reads:

Thanks for Chronicle & letter forwarded. Shall arrive usual time unless I get snowed up. Rather warmer today though. They had a blizzard round Portsmouth yesterday & off the Needles. HMS Gladiator was run down & lost. An officer & 30 men are still missing – probably drowned. The remainder are saved.

Kind regards,

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