Tuesday 27 April 2010

The Lovers

The Lovers

Now it becomes clear why the random selection and order of these three pictures is so significant.

Here we have a mirror image of the first picture, but with a series of mysterious transformations. The frightening creature of the first picture has become an angelic being and the two humans have returned to their natural state, only now without the horned headdresses and chains. And also now the directions of their gazes has significantly changed.

Originally the man was gesturing towards the creature and now his hands are open at his sides and he is looking outwards and vaguely in the direction of the woman, while she is gazing up towards the angel and in her absorption does not notice that behind her is a snake that seems ready to strike.

And is that a sleeping volcano in the distance?

What are we to think?

It would seem natural to look at pictures like this and think they can only be understood by seeing in them something other than what is actually there. But I have survived many a trip and fall simply by seeing things exactly as they are.

It might also be that the best stories are just not meant to have endings.

The Dark Tower

The Tower

Another mystery that is all too easily explained by looking only at the obvious. And yet, sometimes it is the obvious that holds the meaning and because we are looking for what is hidden we can miss the full significance of what is actually there.

Things are being shaken up here.

The three dark windows mirror the three figures of the previous picture, only now the huge "devil"-like creature has had its crown thrown off and is on fire.

The two falling figures are of course the two people of the first picture, only now they wear robes and one wears a crown, and although they may appear to have risen in culture and power, they now have far less dignity and presence than their former selves.

It appears that the creature had been given the power to guard and protect the source of life itself.

So what in the world has happened?

The eyes of a cat see things that are just around the corner, things that are just out of sight, things that are about to happen. Things that have already happened don't get in the way of what we see.

Fire and lightning and yet a dark sky and dark windows. What kind of fire has no light? This only happens in dreams. The lightning, as though from a higher place, is actually the hand of the creature himself, knowing instinctively when the time to free the new creation has come.

This "tower" has been a lighthouse on the rocky promontory of the world and its light went out. Or was it turned out purposely? It can certainly also be seen as a symbol of the volcanic apparitions of the days that have just passed.

There is so much more to discover in this picture. Gaze into its dark waters and wait to see what floats up.

Monday 26 April 2010

The Dark Laboratory

Usually named "The Devil", this is actually not a picture of a Devil

There might seem to be no redeeming qualities in this picture. But remember, the name on the card is not a signature.

This is a picture of what it's like deep in the hidden insides of things. Right down where we cannot see.

It's dusty in there, a bit like an old pre-hygiene laboratory. But everything seems to be in extreme order, suggesting the almost obsessive nature of the architect of this mystery. Even to the extent of having the two human-like figures apparently held in chains.

But notice how the loops of the chains are wide enough for the people to slip out of them. Notice also that both of them have horns, as though they are early versions of people.

Who then is the stern personage overseeing this dark experiment?

Now comes the truly shocking revelation.

The towering figure is the creation of the people, the chains revealing that this animal-like creature is made of the same substance as them. These are the invisible chains of life that connect all living creatures right down to this day.

Just an afterthought: In case you might be wondering now if I am an early version of a person... I think not!

Sunday 25 April 2010

The Devil, The Tower and The Lovers

Keeping in mind the extraordinary events of the past week, I show you here the Magic Photographs exactly as they were randomly chosen yesterday.

I realize that many people, having turned over this particular selection, might want to start over again, imagining that there must have been some terrible mistake.

This is not a mistake.

I will come back to look at each picture individually, but first there is just one thing I would like to mention. The names that have been given to these pictures are, to me, obviously there to deter the less than serious and to gain the attention of the courageous.

And if there is anything we cats can be proud of it is our renown for courage.

So, with a brave heart and ignoring for the moment the absurd names that have become attached to these mysterious goings on, please spend a moment or two just looking at what lies before you .

And my apologies for stepping into the photograph at the very moment Jenny held her little camera to her open eye. These things happen.

Saturday 24 April 2010

The Magic Photographs

This is not a picture of me and Jenny.

Because of the exciting events of the last week I have been distracted from what, after all, is the main purpose of my being here. So when Jenny spread her Magic Photographs across the table I knew exactly what I had to do.

With my outstretched paw I touched three of the photographs and, one by one, we turned them over. Imagine our surprise when we saw what I had chosen!

So there were the three pictures in a row and the only reason I do not show them to you right away is in order to give you a chance to decide whether to look at them or not.

You see, not all people understand things the way a cat understands and I don't want anyone to be unnecessarily frightened.

Friday 23 April 2010

St George and the Volcano

A remarkable photograph of St. George battling the Volcanic Apparition while First British Family valiantly rows beneath the conflagration.

The celebrating on these shores cannot adequately be described.

St George was seen leading his horse into The Strand Shopping Mall where he enjoyed a hearty meal and was on his way amidst much cheering and whistling.

Now we know the true story of the defeat of the Apparition and the saving of First British Family in their escape from the Continent. However, one mystery remains. Where was George's cat? Did she get lost in all the excitement? Did she travel in the boat and is now in safe keeping in the British Castle?

It is a well known fact that British cats have played a major role in the history of this unusual island. Mr. Nelson and Mr. Whittington, to name but a few, relied upon the mysterious talking ability of their cats.

Whatever the truth might be, we can rest assured that George's cat will one day have her place in the long line of heroic British cats.

God save George, the King and Queen, and all the cats of Britain.

Thursday 22 April 2010

The King of the Continent

"The King of the Continent attends the solemn re-enactment of the First British Family's encounter with the Flying Volcano Apparition."

It is quite wonderful the way fearful things are made into entertainments. But did First British Family know about this? Were they asked? Perhaps it is difficult to communicate across water, but by the time the communication boat arrived here it would have been too late anyway.

And how accurate can a re-enactment be if the people re-enacting were not there to witness the event? True to their ways First British Family have remained silent on the matter. They all seem to have got on their horses and, for all we know, are still running about in their garden. Why aren't we told more?

All the same, I wish to thank the King of the Continent for having the grace to attend the so-called re-enactment and for wearing his best robe and hat for the occasion. But where are the cats? I understand that the Continent is highly populated by cats. The cats of the Continent are not immigrants or fugitives from elsewhere. So why were their representatives not invited? Were they afraid that the representative cats would roll in the grass and laugh?

At least there appears to be whistling and singing.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

The First British Family

"The first British family arrives home from the Continent."

Apparently they've been having the flying volcano apparitions over there too.

Once back home in their castle I imagine these good folk will change into their robes and crowns and have a refreshing cup of tea. They deserve it. Tea and honey perhaps.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Volcano in the Sky

I did it! I heeded the advice of my much maligned brother Walter. I waited until it was dark and went outside and looked up.

Nothing but darkness up there. What a disappointment. What an admission!

Was I more curious to see this erupting apparition than to do my duty and try to blow the smoke of the thing away? But what good could I do alone? I gave a few half-hearted puffs up at the dark but nothing happened. And then, suddenly, it was there!

Did my seemingly futile attempt to blow its sulphorous clouds from the sky awaken a sleeping giant?

Unafraid, I calmly made my way back indoors, almost getting stuck half way through the cat-flap. I knew I had seen this somewhere before and I began pawing through my books to find it.

And there it was, a near-perfect depiction of what, for a brief and startling moment, I saw hovering way up there over the garden. And without a remaining cloud to be seen!

I reproduce it here in order to share the amazement.

A lesson for us all, I think. One person alone can make a difference.

Oh, and thank you Walter, all is forgiven. (I just wish you would consider giving up that rather unpleasant habit of yours.)

Monday 19 April 2010

Walter the Smoking Cat

Hardly got started here and Walter sends me a picture and a few words for inclusion.

Even though no one has asked, he thinks it's a question that's on everyone's mind: What to do about the fumings of the volcano that is up there, unseen, above our back garden.

I didn't even know it existed until a few days ago. Not even sure I wanted to know. But good enough reason now not to go out there.

Tongue-tied dogs, monster children, and now invisible clouds of flame and ash. No, indoors is the place to be, for the time being at least. But back to Walter (I know he'll be wondering what's taking me so long).

I don't know when this absurdity was photographed but it certainly wasn't yesterday. If he thinks we'll fall for this old ruse he's badly mistaken. What does he know? What did he know then? Was he a prophet, a choir boy cat or something? How did he know?

Well, it's not easy for me, this, but I'll let him have his way just this once. What if his advice might save us after all? Worth the risk.

So: Thank you Walter Whispering Grass, thank you Smoking Prophet of Doom Cat. For better or for worse, I give you the words of the one and only... WALTER!

"If we all just blow hard enough..."

Walter! That's it?! Well just don't come growling and moaning to me if it backfires on us all.

Sunday 18 April 2010

Introduction: The Mysterious Insides of Things

My favourite picture from one of my favourite books. I had Jenny cut it out for me and put it here for you to look at whenever you want.

It shows what it's like inside and I've always been interested in the insides of things.

Inside is where the words must have come from. If you think about it, they couldn't have come from anywhere else. But just think what it would be like if we didn't have things to think about.

But it doesn't just happen over night you know. In fact it wasn't until I was asked something that suddenly I found I had the words for it. Why she didn't ask sooner I'll never know.

Well, you can imagine what it was like. It wasn't that I said anything wrong. The fact that I said anything at all was what almost scared us both out of our skins.

But if you don't expect an answer then why ask? And if you've got words somewhere inside and you don't say them - well, I never could understand that. Words are just short for what's inside and what's inside is just short for what's outside.

But I still do wonder why it took her so long to think of asking.
