Friday 23 April 2010

St George and the Volcano

A remarkable photograph of St. George battling the Volcanic Apparition while First British Family valiantly rows beneath the conflagration.

The celebrating on these shores cannot adequately be described.

St George was seen leading his horse into The Strand Shopping Mall where he enjoyed a hearty meal and was on his way amidst much cheering and whistling.

Now we know the true story of the defeat of the Apparition and the saving of First British Family in their escape from the Continent. However, one mystery remains. Where was George's cat? Did she get lost in all the excitement? Did she travel in the boat and is now in safe keeping in the British Castle?

It is a well known fact that British cats have played a major role in the history of this unusual island. Mr. Nelson and Mr. Whittington, to name but a few, relied upon the mysterious talking ability of their cats.

Whatever the truth might be, we can rest assured that George's cat will one day have her place in the long line of heroic British cats.

God save George, the King and Queen, and all the cats of Britain.

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