Monday 26 April 2010

The Dark Laboratory

Usually named "The Devil", this is actually not a picture of a Devil

There might seem to be no redeeming qualities in this picture. But remember, the name on the card is not a signature.

This is a picture of what it's like deep in the hidden insides of things. Right down where we cannot see.

It's dusty in there, a bit like an old pre-hygiene laboratory. But everything seems to be in extreme order, suggesting the almost obsessive nature of the architect of this mystery. Even to the extent of having the two human-like figures apparently held in chains.

But notice how the loops of the chains are wide enough for the people to slip out of them. Notice also that both of them have horns, as though they are early versions of people.

Who then is the stern personage overseeing this dark experiment?

Now comes the truly shocking revelation.

The towering figure is the creation of the people, the chains revealing that this animal-like creature is made of the same substance as them. These are the invisible chains of life that connect all living creatures right down to this day.

Just an afterthought: In case you might be wondering now if I am an early version of a person... I think not!

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