Thursday 22 April 2010

The King of the Continent

"The King of the Continent attends the solemn re-enactment of the First British Family's encounter with the Flying Volcano Apparition."

It is quite wonderful the way fearful things are made into entertainments. But did First British Family know about this? Were they asked? Perhaps it is difficult to communicate across water, but by the time the communication boat arrived here it would have been too late anyway.

And how accurate can a re-enactment be if the people re-enacting were not there to witness the event? True to their ways First British Family have remained silent on the matter. They all seem to have got on their horses and, for all we know, are still running about in their garden. Why aren't we told more?

All the same, I wish to thank the King of the Continent for having the grace to attend the so-called re-enactment and for wearing his best robe and hat for the occasion. But where are the cats? I understand that the Continent is highly populated by cats. The cats of the Continent are not immigrants or fugitives from elsewhere. So why were their representatives not invited? Were they afraid that the representative cats would roll in the grass and laugh?

At least there appears to be whistling and singing.

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