Sunday 25 April 2010

The Devil, The Tower and The Lovers

Keeping in mind the extraordinary events of the past week, I show you here the Magic Photographs exactly as they were randomly chosen yesterday.

I realize that many people, having turned over this particular selection, might want to start over again, imagining that there must have been some terrible mistake.

This is not a mistake.

I will come back to look at each picture individually, but first there is just one thing I would like to mention. The names that have been given to these pictures are, to me, obviously there to deter the less than serious and to gain the attention of the courageous.

And if there is anything we cats can be proud of it is our renown for courage.

So, with a brave heart and ignoring for the moment the absurd names that have become attached to these mysterious goings on, please spend a moment or two just looking at what lies before you .

And my apologies for stepping into the photograph at the very moment Jenny held her little camera to her open eye. These things happen.

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