Tuesday 27 April 2010

The Lovers

The Lovers

Now it becomes clear why the random selection and order of these three pictures is so significant.

Here we have a mirror image of the first picture, but with a series of mysterious transformations. The frightening creature of the first picture has become an angelic being and the two humans have returned to their natural state, only now without the horned headdresses and chains. And also now the directions of their gazes has significantly changed.

Originally the man was gesturing towards the creature and now his hands are open at his sides and he is looking outwards and vaguely in the direction of the woman, while she is gazing up towards the angel and in her absorption does not notice that behind her is a snake that seems ready to strike.

And is that a sleeping volcano in the distance?

What are we to think?

It would seem natural to look at pictures like this and think they can only be understood by seeing in them something other than what is actually there. But I have survived many a trip and fall simply by seeing things exactly as they are.

It might also be that the best stories are just not meant to have endings.

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