Friday 4 June 2010

Ghost Hole Swallows the World

We will return to the unfolding mystery of The Forbidden Forest. But a question has been received from “Robert” which he feels might touch upon all our lives in the near future.

Robert has seen two recent headlines that must, according to him, have a direct bearing upon each other as they appeared on the same day and on the same page.

“A huge sinkhole in the city of G... crashed into being on Sunday, reportedly swallowing a three-story building.
Giant Sinkhole could get even bigger.”

“Ghostly ‘comets’ have been found circling a supermassive expanding Black Hole.”

If the sinkhole suddenly expands and swallows the world, I don’t think we’ll have time even to think about it. I’m sure you can continue to go out the front door or even the back door without worrying about falling in.

There might, though, be a cause for concern that perhaps you haven’t even thought of yet…

Sometimes I like to go into the kitchen and get up onto the edge of the sink and reach down with my nose towards that strange hole. Sometimes I hear things down in there but usually it doesn’t frighten me. Then one day while I was carefully reaching towards the hole, suddenly a large spider came out!

For a moment neither of us moved, then she ran backwards down the hole and I didn’t go back into the kitchen until Jenny was home again.

Robert, let’s hope the folks of that poor city don’t lose any more streets and bicycles down the sink. Maybe they could do what Jenny does and turn all the taps on to wash away whatever is down there stirring things up. Then at least it won’t smell too bad. And don’t worry about the ghosts cycling around the edge, they can look after themselves.

Actually, I’d be more worried about accidentally stepping on one of the little ants that are running around all over the place this time of year.

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