Wednesday 23 June 2010

Whisper Goes Behind the Veil

Hi, this is Jenny here. Whisper is having a little lie down today. I’m sure you’ll understand.

What with all the excitement about time machines, alien invasions, vanishing ladies, and now flying cities, Whisper hasn’t even been beyond the back garden lately, and you know how she likes to explore.

In fact I have a picture here of Whisper outside exploring the other side of the curtain. Now as far as I’m concerned life can keep the curtains drawn; there are probably things there that no one was meant to see. No one, that is, except our Whisper!

By the way, next weekend I’m going to visit my sister Dorothy in Dorset and Whisper is coming with me. It’s meant to be a surprise, so not a word about it. It’s just what she needs and I know she’ll have a wonderful time. There’ll certainly be plenty of exploring for her to do. But just what she’ll make of the cows is anyone’s guess. I don’t think she’s even got a picture of one in her collection.

Speaking of which… Here’s an old picture of a place very much like the one we’ll be visiting. I think I’ll slip it into Whisper’s picture box and let her find it for herself. I’m sure she’ll be excited.

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