Wednesday 16 June 2010

The Lady on the Secret Stairway

Secret Stairway to the Underground Koil Chamber

Supposedly only members of the inner Tokyo Time Circle have access to the secret underground Power Koil Chamber; but seen here, travelling on the rapid transportation stairway is what can only be described as an “Entity”.

Obviously unauthorised and feigning a British sense of decorum, this being has, as you can see, been detected by the security system’s clever electronic pointer.

It is evident from the alarm on the lady’s face that something highly irregular is taking place.

Apparently she did not report the incident to the authorities. Was she in on it from the start?  Was she silenced with a bribe? Had she been offered a free sideways look at what her preposterous future held in store?

Perhaps we shall never know, for these are the last known surveillance pictures in which the lady makes a fleeting appearance.


Surely you mean "prosperous", not "preposterous"?
                                                                                           - Jenny

                      - Whisper    

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