Sunday 13 June 2010

Whisper's Dream Quest 1

I can still hear the bird singing and playing his wind violin. I know it was only a dream but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.

When I’m at the window looking out and then I look inside at things that are very close – that’s a bit like dreaming. Dreaming without being asleep. Everything is very close. So this morning I decided to look for the bird. I was sure I could go there without having to be asleep again.

The rain stopped and I went into the garden. The grass was wet and the sun kept going in and coming out. I was thinking about this when somewhere a dog barked. It sounded like a very small dog and then it stopped. So I didn’t think any more about that.

When I reached the long grass I saw a lot of small flowers which I hadn’t seen there before. They had already grown very high.

As I walked between the flowers I tried not to step on the ground that was making them grow and for a moment I thought I couldn’t feel the ground. It was just a little slope but I couldn’t remember it being there before.

For some reason I thought of the first time I tried to leap up onto the table where Jenny was drawing. As I crouched ready to jump Jenny saw me and before I could move she had picked me up and put me down right on the big sheet of paper and the first thing I did was try to touch the pencils and they kept rolling away from me. I think it was the first time I saw one of her magic pictures.

The grass got longer and more tangled but there were ways through and I chose the one that was covered like a tunnel.

The tunnel seemed to go on forever and I thought about turning around and going back but then I came to a gate. The gate didn’t look as though it was meant to open but it would be easy for me just to walk straight through. So first I stood there in order to know where I was and what was going on.

Some grass touched my nose and it tickled and I nearly sneezed, so I chewed a little bit of grass. I still had the taste of the grass in my mouth when, all of a sudden, something moved up ahead. I went through the gate as silently as possible and the movement stopped. My first thought was that it must be the little bird. I kept going. And then I saw its eyes looking straight through the grass at me.

We both stayed very still and looked at each other. It certainly wasn’t the bird unless this is what the bird changes into when I’m not asleep.

Then the creature was off and I’m glad I didn’t follow because at that very moment the little dog appeared, sniffing around where the creature had been. The dog then must have told the “visitor” on the other end of the leash it’s time to go.

I realised I had come this far only once before. That time I went right to the edge of water before I realised it was there. So I would have to be extra careful if I was going to find my way back.

Jenny might be making a picture and not even know I was gone.

to be continued...

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