Monday 31 May 2010

Answering Alice

I've been told I should answer Alice’s questions instead of letting my paranoia… I won’t even comment on that. But if you knew what I know…

Anyhow, I’ll do my best, Alice. But remember, when you ask a question, it’s not like sniffing flowers.

Alice asked, “what’s going on, where am I?” We’ll come back to “what’s going on?” But first let’s look at “where am I?”

You’ve come to the right place for an answer to that. We cats know exactly where we are. How? Simple. We stand still.

I can hear you now: “Why didn’t I think of that?” Well, my guess is that you did. It just got lost among all the other things that were on your mind at the time.

Yes, Alice, If you’re standing still, that means you’re standing! So no sitting this one out. On your feet, girl! The Whisper way is to think one thing as though your legs are thinking it.

Here is a picture of two Alices who know where they are.  Thinking on their feet, so to speak.

As for, “what’s going on?” You’ll only know what’s going on when you know where you are. And we already know how to do that now, don't we?

Here is a picture of two Alices who know what’s going on.

And finally, a picture of an Alice who doesn’t know what’s going on. She’s trying to look around the corner. We don’t want to end up like that now, do we?

So next time you’re not sure where you are or what’s going on, just look at the pictures of the two Alices and ask yourself, “Which one am I?” And no cheating; you can only be one at a time.

Unless, of course, there really are... two of you…

Or more…

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