Thursday 27 May 2010

Sky Car Encounter

An early photograph of a sighting of an extraterrestrial car.

The appearance of four-wheeled vehicles in our skies is not just a recent phenomenon. It seems to have been going on for some years.

Fortunately for us the vehicles are easily identifiable, continuing to be of a type that would not be allowed anywhere near today’s busy highways and airport car parks.

According to the elderly witness, a sudden change in weather forced the vehicle to land. No intelligible words were exchanged but as a parting gift, the driver gave the man his spare pair of driving goggles.

The occupants waved happily as the swaying vehicle began its ascent and when it had attained sufficient height the ladies held onto their hats and amid clouds of pungent smoke, flashes and explosions from the rear, the car was gone.

Although in shock and still wearing his newly acquired goggles, the elderly man was able to give such a lucid account of his encounter that the report was serialised in the parish newsletter.

It is said that a few days later the witness was visited by two strangers to the village and subsequently never spoke another word about the event.

For the photographer, it turned out to be a very lucrative assignment. But the question remains: Who tipped him off? And why?

My oh my, how things have changed!

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