Tuesday 11 May 2010

Captured Alien Craft

Captured alien “Circles” (UFOs) on display in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London.

The Pope of London declared them to be “friendly”. And no one dared ask the witty man where he got his information from.

So after the ceremonies and exorcisms of the “Circles” many members of the audience stayed on to discuss the dread machines.

All apparently went well until it was realised that some of the crew of the alien craft were actually sitting in the audience and laughing loudly at the customarily diverse opinions of the British people.

Well, this proved to be too much for some and the aliens were invited to a local pub in order to prove or disprove once and for all the widespread belief that aliens evaporate when in the presence of British beer.

The aliens agreed to the experiment, but upon entering the pub they said they were offended by the décor and hurriedly departed.

So I suppose we are back pretty much where we started.

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