Friday 7 May 2010

The Whiff

This just has to be one of my most favourite pictures. It always inspires me to greater feats of nonchalance in the face of The Whiff and I am grateful to Jenny for finding it for me.

So to begin. The first question is from “Clare”. According to Jenny, this arrived while I was in the garden looking at the back fence. I can’t think what I thought I was looking at.

Clare, I won’t repeat your question as it is of a personal nature, but thanks for being so concise. It touches on one of the eternal subjects: The Whiff.

I know just how you feel; The Whiff is one of the most unpleasant things you could possibly encounter. Best kept well away from.

Mind you, we cats are most certainly not afraid of The Whiff. Rather it’s the other way around. And unfortunately there are times when the thing just has to be dealt with. Look at the picture: Could even be me up there on the step standing my ground and making the silly clown cower before me.

The Whiff thinks it has every right to do whatever comes into its whiffy head, but not everybody wants to share its excitement.

So we have learned not to do the first thing that comes into our heads. We don’t run (well, not if we can help it). And we have mastered the technique of not showing any interest whatsoever.

However, sometimes you just have to stand there and put The Whiff right. Easier said than done? Not really. The cat in the picture (it just has to be me) is correcting The Whiff on some very important points. Whiff logic seems to make the silly clowns think they’re always right. And of course no one can be always right, especially not whiffs.

So, there she is, up on the step and saying just what she thinks of the absurdity’s line of reasoning. And you can bet, whoever she is, when she got home that night she stood very tall by the refrigerator door.

However, remember that sometimes running might after all be the best option. Just keep in mind: The Whiff doesn't know what it's doing; you do.

I do hope that answers your question, Clare. Chin up girl! Next time something comes along that gives you cause to fear, just think of it as The Whiff and deal with it accordingly. As discussed.

Once you get a taste for it you’ll be laughing!

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