Wednesday 12 May 2010

Whisper's Depression Remedy

We will return to the unfolding mystery of the alien invasion, but Maya writes that she suffers from depression and I feel that this deserves my fullest attention. She has taken the pills but wonders if I might be able to suggest an alternative remedy.

Well, the first thing is to notice just how small the feeling really is. If it’s in your head then it must be smaller than your head. And likewise for everywhere else inside you.

Look at the poor man in the picture. Where do you think his sadness is? Well, maybe he’s not the best example. But at least you can see there’s not much room in there for anything else. We’re all pretty much full up as it is.

What makes it seem so big is all the thinking you do about it.

So first of all remember: The thinking you do about what you feel isn’t what you feel.

Being stuck in that tiny space together those two little dears, thinking and feeling, can easily get confused. So what we must do is untangle them for a while.

Easier said than done? Not at all. You’ve seen cats doing it all the time. Stretching.

Have you ever seen sticky thoughts or feelings stretched out till they can’t take it any more and just fall about laughing? Believe me, it’s a sight to behold!

Go on, give yourself a good old stretch.

So there you have it in three easy steps:
It’s little, it’s not what you think it is, and it secretly loves being stretched out and made all giggly and warm.

Oh, and a little walk with nothing more than walking to think about can do wonders too.

Another good one is lying in the grass and losing yourself among the clouds.

Happy dreams.

Just don't start seeing strange things flying around up there. Look what it’s done to me!

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