Friday 21 May 2010

Where is Whisper?

Hello. This is not Whisper. This is Jenny. And that’s not a picture of me, it’s one of Whisper’s pictures which she says reminds her of me.

So why am I here and not Whisper?

Well, the last I saw of Whisper was at breakfast and since then not a whisker. I have an idea where she might be but I like to let her have these little times to herself. She seems to have been under a lot of pressure lately.

But that picture of “me”… It’s from a book my mother had when she was young and Whisper and I would often look through it together. Now it’s part of Whisper’s quite amazing collection.

I know that Whisper had intended to show you a few more pictures today about the strange story she’s been telling you. So I’m going to post them straight after this.

I won’t say much about the pictures apart from the few details Whisper has already told me. If anything needs filling in, she can do that when she’s back.

Actually, I rather like this picture. She looks like she means business and knows how to get things done. And very interesting to see the insides of the telephone she is using. As you will already know, one of Whisper’s many interests is the insides of things.

In its own strange way this little picture inspires me.

Anyhow, “There it is,” as Whisper would say, “for you to look at whenever you want”. Maybe it will inspire you too to go on and get things done.

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