Wednesday 26 May 2010

Queen's Speech Shock

Intruder being ejected from the procession to the Great Sphinx following the Queen’s Speech.

Yesterday, while we were absorbed in examining the picture entitled “The Chariot of the Stars”, uncannily and at that very moment occurred what we all have come to believe to be “The Queen’s Speech”.

Now it is well known that the Queen has a great fondness for cats and that they in return have a great fondness for her, so it came as a cause of celebration among the world’s cats to learn that we no longer will be required to carry identity cards, papers or embarrassing pictures of ourselves.

This was made all the more poignant by the fact that this historic announcement was virtually drowned out by noisy trumpets and the sudden onslaught of the clearing of throats. It was enough to make one weep.

Because the Queen only speaks once a year and has to read slowly from notes written for her by the Royal Society of Astrologers and Fortune-tellers, the least the fidgety audience could have done was cover their faces with their handkerchiefs to conceal their blank looks and strangely staring eyes.

Had the huge audience in the Speech Cathedral been infiltrated by “visitors”? If so, then what have they got against cats? They must have been smugly pleased to hear not a word said about their all-too-public presence on this planet.

The discovery of yet another of the “visitors” afterwards at the Sphinx Ceremony only reaffirms the increasingly widespread belief that they may already be semi-happily at home in our midst.

At least the long-awaited right of cats to stray without being interrogated by any old busybody that happens by is something to be mightily grateful for.

The arrested entity was later found to be carrying the keys to an unidentifiable car believed to be of extra-terrestrial origin. The vehicle is now in the custody of the Queen’s Astrologers and an announcement of interest to all is expected.

The Chariots of the Stars may be amongst us and they might not be what we expected.

The Queen will no doubt comment upon this next year.

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