Monday 24 May 2010

Whisper's Amazing Dream Picture

It’s me, Whisper. I’m back. Although I never really went away. At least not far.

I was sometimes under the big chair or out in the garden where Jenny doesn’t cut the grass. And, yes, it was me who was drinking the water and not the aliens! Thank you Jenny.

Two nights ago I had the most extraordinary dream. Jenny has helped me put together a picture of it, which you see here.

But first, I must mention Jenny’s contribution while I was “away”. I am amazed by her startling findings and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Anyhow, back to the dream…

I can’t explain exactly what it all means but I can see how it’s tied in to recent events. It’s just like being there all over again.

I woke up feeling afraid and yet that must be me there in the dream, standing firm and looking danger right in the eyes. I certainly don’t have a long white beard, but who else could it be?

And who is it that is overseeing the confrontation? That definitely could be me. And what about the other one? Unlikely, but another me?

Anyhow Jenny, you’ve given me a lot to think about, and now I have this rather unsettling dream picture.

Things are starting to connect at last.

But strange how I’m still not sure which one is me. Am I remembering or am I still in the dream?

And in case anyone thought of asking after all that: Yes, of course cats dream.

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