Friday 21 May 2010

Alien Ray Captured

Captured Alien Ray being analysed prior to being sent for manufacture in Tokyo.

Professor Ruhmkorff – inventor of the infamous R-Korff Koil – is seen here inserting his hand into the beams of the captured ray.

The professor was last seen exiting the basement of The Tokyo Institute of Alien Rays with his hand emitting fiery cries and whistles believed to be in the language of the aliens themselves.

The manufacturers, The Tokyo Ray Machine Company, have declined to make a statement and instead have offered to back-engineer the remains of the previous owners’ Time Machine in a bid to recover the two elderly ramblers from their presently unknown and far-distant location in time, believing that they may hold the key to the mystery of the ray.

However, it has been pointed out to the TRMC that the time machine was rumoured to have the further highly secret facility of transporting life forms (such as the elderly couple) not only backwards or forwards in time but sideways into who knows where.

Meanwhile, the alien ray continues to burn in the secret laboratory with no one to oversee its mysterious activity.

Has the hand of the missing professor become an interplanetary communication device?

Will the Tokyo Time Machine Company return from its forced retirement and rescue the elderly folks from the clutches of the sideways who-knows-what?

Will grass yet be discovered on the moon?

Worrying and yet exciting times indeed!

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