Wednesday 5 May 2010

Secret Questions

An old photograph of people having their questions answered. The man smoking on the right has forgotten his question. People often forget their questions while they're waiting. Happens to me all the time. (Walter says that smoking helps him remember too - Ha, any old excuse not to kick the habit!)

After a little rest and a wander following the puzzling events of a week or so ago, I returned to find the first questions waiting for me.

It is still rather strange for me receiving a question from someone I do not know instead of hearing it from someone I know. It means that I feel I must give it my full attention, which doesn’t end when I’m doing something else. Interesting.

However, I now realise that it’s not the answers that are the secrets, it’s the questions. Whatever answer one might give, the real secret is in the question. Maybe I heard somone say that, but it is quite an interesting idea.

After all, if someone were to say what is right or wrong for you, how could you be sure that what they say is not just what they would do if they were you?

Or to put it another way: No one knows you better than you know yourself. Oh dear, I think I heard that somewhere too. Never mind. At least I know that a quiet moment or two is all it takes to hear what is inside what you are asking. Unless, of course, you then forget your question.

That’s why cats like to get away and think.

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