Tuesday 25 May 2010

Chariot of the Stars?

After seeing my dream picture yesterday and still being unable to shake off the strange atmosphere that accompanied both the dream and the waking, I asked Jenny to help me select one of her pictures.  I call these Jenny’s Magic Photographs. Jenny calls them something else.

We mixed and moved all the picture cards face down until we ended up with just one: THE CHARIOT.

This curious two-wheeled vehicle has some surprising secrets up its sleeve. Firstly, don’t be fooled by the stars on the lovely curtains; this is no Chariot of the Stars. These and the star on the driver’s hat simply mean that he is the proud owner of the latest satellite navigation system. The flying sun logo probably means the Chariot is solar powered.  This is a short-range leisure vehicle if ever there was one.

He has evidently just found a parking space close to the Thames, which can be seen flowing by in the background. However, the Westminster parking wardens are known to wield a pen mightier than the sword, so the two Sphinxes keep a sharp eye out for them.

The Sphinx on the right is the Great Thames Sphinx, apparently wheeled there from Egypt at the same time as the Thames itself was built.  The Sphinx on the left is an Egyptian cousin who has been keeping a low profile in London lately. However, something in the distance has caught their attention.

Has the vehicle just been spotted by a group of Trainee Police Officers who were on their way to the Thames for their lunchtime swim?

The driver certainly appears to be searching his memory for a punchy one-liner in case he is caught off guard by a trick question.

As you can see, there is more to this picture than at first meets the eye and I’m sure we’ll be returning to it at a future date. But the way this card has turned up at just this moment, remains an extraordinary coincidence.

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