Wednesday 12 May 2010

We Are Being Watched

This is a photograph of a professor of telescopes instructing children on the differences between them (the children) and the invading “visitors”.

Isn’t he being a little naïve in assuming that children will remember all this information?

A child is very much like a cat. We know exactly what is happening but have little interest in what happened before. Regarding what is about to happen, only grown up people are confused enough to bother thinking about that.

However, while they are looking the other way, something strange is happening outside in the sky.

It appears that a so-called “star” is looking down the tube of the telescope and can see everything that is happening in the darkened room.

This is startling, to say the least! But there is more!

Just as the professor puts his hand into the all-seeing ray of light, the bones in his fingers become clearly visible to the children.

The startled children show remarkable composure. But the boy is whispering to his little sister, “We’ve got to get out of here!”

If only children wouldn’t stroke the fur of their cat the wrong way when they think no one is looking, we cats might have an ally in the worrying times that now seem to be upon us.

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