Sunday 30 May 2010

The Two Alices

The two Alices caught on CCTV using the Public Library computers.

Comments are being left here from so-called “Alices”. It was only a matter of time. Alien / Alias / Alice… Everything is falling into place.

It is believed that the Queen’s Speech was subtly codified with subliminal messages designed to disorientate the alien – or as we now know them – the “Alice” visitors.

One Alice commented (and I quote in full) “where am I now?” And previous to that, another asked, “what’s going on, where am I?” (See comments 26 May)

One even posted a picture of herself peering into the bathroom mirror as though trying to see straight through into the insides of our dear old computer. Ha! No such luck missy! You seem to have left the hot tap running and you’ve steamed up the glass.


Alice, this is Jenny.  I have given Whisper a piece of her favourite Victoria sponge cake dipped in purple Vimto. She’s feeling a lot better now. I think she has been listening to too many Queen’s speeches.

Thank you for your pertinent questions.

Comments, questions, or “other-worldly” sponge cake recipes are always welcome.  (But remember we may have Whisper to answer to.)

– Jenny

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